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Cloud management is changing, and we're all for it. Our books, guides and tools to help you keep up to date with the cloud, and get more insight into TotalCloud.

Developer Productivity Toolkit

Here are some of the most-loved tools that help developers do more with less time & make their lives a tad easier.

EC2 High Availability, Monitoring & Cost Optimization

Despite its inherent advantages, EC2 needs to be monitored and optimized to allow organizations to get the best out of the resource. Here's how!

Lambda Cost, Availability & Security Management

We collated a ton of best practices out there to manage, monitor, secure, & scale Lambdas and make them reliable

DevOps Lifecycle Chart 

View the entire DevOps lifecycle and the best tools in every stage, so you can have a stellar combination of perfectly integrated systems.

TotalCloud vs Scripting

Although scripting is a common method of cloud management, it remains tedious and unscalable, taking a toll on agility.

TotalCloud, Terraform & CloudFormation

 Integrate TotalCloud with Terraform & CloudFormation & deploy infrastructure through a workflow. We enhance your experience of these tools, not replace them. 

TotalCloud vs Instance Scheduler

Learn how TotalCloud’s Cloud Parking & its unique features differ from the AWS Instance Scheduler.